
Flowers Name in Chinese & English (with pictures)


Are you looking for all common Flowers name in Chinese & English with pictures? We have covered the best list of different types of flowers name in Chinese & English with beautiful pictures.

PictureIn EnglishIn Chinese
Acacia Yellow Flower (相思黄花)Acacia Yellow Flower相思黄花
Achillea Millefolium (蓍草)Achillea Millefolium蓍草
Allium (蒜)Allium
Arabian Jasmine (阿拉伯茉莉或沙巴茉莉)Arabian Jasmine阿拉伯茉莉或沙巴茉莉
Ashok Flower (阿肖克花)Ashok Flower阿肖克花
Asiatic Lily (亚洲百合)Asiatic Lily亚洲百合
Aster (紫菀属)Aster紫菀属
Balloon Flower (桔梗花)Balloon Flower桔梗花
Balsam (香脂)Balsam香脂
Bauhinia (紫荆花)Bauhinia紫荆花
Bleeding Heart (受伤流血的心)Bleeding Heart受伤流血的心
Blood Lily (血百合)Blood Lily血百合
Blossom (开花)Blossom开花
Blue Morning Glory (蓝色牵牛花)Blue Morning Glory蓝色牵牛花
Blue Water Lily (蓝色睡莲)Blue Water Lily蓝色睡莲
Bluebell (风信子)Bluebell风信子
Bougainvillea (九重葛)Bougainvillea九重葛
Brahma Kamal (梵天卡迈勒)Brahma Kamal梵天卡迈勒
Bromeliad (凤梨科)Bromeliad凤梨科
Burmann's Sundew (布尔曼茅膏菜)Burmann’s Sundew布尔曼茅膏菜
Burr Mallow (伯尔锦葵)Burr Mallow伯尔锦葵
Butea Monosperma (紫矿)Butea Monosperma紫矿
Buterfly Pea (蝴蝶豌豆或僵尸豌豆)Buterfly Pea蝴蝶豌豆或僵尸豌豆
Camomile (洋甘菊)Camomile洋甘菊
Canna Lily (美人蕉百合)Canna Lily美人蕉百合
Castor Ricinus (蓖麻)Castor Ricinus蓖麻
Chamomile Vine (洋甘菊藤)Chamomile Vine洋甘菊藤
Cherry Blossom (樱花)Cherry Blossom樱花
Chrysanthemum (菊花)Chrysanthemum菊花
Cobra Saffron (眼镜蛇藏红花)Cobra Saffron眼镜蛇藏红花
Cockscomb (鸡冠)Cockscomb鸡冠
Columbine Flower (哥伦拜恩花)Columbine Flower哥伦拜恩花
Common Crape Myrtle (紫薇)Common Crape Myrtle紫薇
Common Globe Amaranth (苋菜)Common Globe Amaranth苋菜
Common Lantana (马缨丹)Common Lantana马缨丹
Cone Flower (锥花)Cone Flower锥花
Crape Jasmine (紫薇)Crape Jasmine紫薇
Crocus (番红花)Crocus番红花
Crossandra (克罗桑德拉)Crossandra克罗桑德拉
Crown Flower (牛角瓜)Crown Flower牛角瓜
Cypress Vine (攀爬植物)Cypress Vine攀爬植物
Daffodil (水仙花)Daffodil水仙花
Dahlia (大丽花)Dahlia大丽花
Daisy (雏菊)Daisy雏菊
Dandelion Dewdrop (蒲公英露珠)Dandelion Dewdrop蒲公英露珠
Foxtail Orchid (狐尾兰)Foxtail Orchid狐尾兰
Geranium (天竺葵)Geranium天竺葵
Glory Lily (荣耀百合)Glory Lily荣耀百合
Golden Plumeria (金色鸡蛋花)Golden Plumeria金色鸡蛋花
Golden Shower (黄金雨)Golden Shower黄金雨
Hibiscus (芙蓉)Hibiscus芙蓉
Hollyhock (蜀葵)Hollyhock蜀葵
Hypericum Flower (金丝桃花)Hypericum Flower金丝桃花
Indian Tulip (印度郁金香)Indian Tulip印度郁金香
Indigo Flower (靛蓝花)Indigo Flower靛蓝花
Iris (鸢尾花)Iris鸢尾花
Jasmine (茉莉花)Jasmine茉莉花
Lady's Sipper Orchid (女士吸管兰花)Lady’s Sipper Orchid女士吸管兰花
Lavender (薰衣草)Lavender薰衣草
Lavender Flower (薰衣草花)Lavender Flower薰衣草花
Lilac (紫丁香)Lilac紫丁香
Lily (百合)Lily百合
Lotus (莲花)Lotus莲花
Magnolia (玉兰花)Magnolia玉兰花
Marigold (万寿菊)Marigold万寿菊
Mexican Prickly Poppy (墨西哥多刺罂粟)Mexican Prickly Poppy墨西哥多刺罂粟
Mexican Tuberose (墨西哥晚香玉)Mexican Tuberose墨西哥晚香玉
Millingtonia Hortensis (千叶兰)Millingtonia Hortensis千叶兰
Mirabilis Jalapa (紫茉莉)Mirabilis Jalapa紫茉莉
Monsoon Lily (季风百合)Monsoon Lily季风百合
Mountain Laurel (山月桂树)Mountain Laurel山月桂树
Murraya (穆雷)Murraya穆雷
Mussaenda (待嘟哝)Mussaenda待嘟哝
Narcissus (水仙花)Narcissus水仙花
Night Blooming Jasmine (夜盛开的茉莉花)Night Blooming Jasmine夜盛开的茉莉花
Oleander (夹竹桃)Oleander夹竹桃
Orange Tiger Lily (橙色虎百合)Orange Tiger Lily橙色虎百合
Orchid Flower (兰花)Orchid Flower兰花
Pansy (三色堇)Pansy三色堇
Periwinkle (长春花)Periwinkle长春花
Plumeria (鸡蛋花)Plumeria鸡蛋花
Poppy Flower (罂粟花)Poppy Flower罂粟花
Pot Marigold-Calendula (盆栽万寿菊-金盏花)Pot Marigold-Calendula盆栽万寿菊-金盏花
Primrose (报春花)Primrose报春花
Purple Passion (紫色激情)Purple Passion紫色激情
Ranunculus Flower (毛茛花)Ranunculus Flower毛茛花
Rhododendron (杜鹃花)Rhododendron杜鹃花
Rose (玫瑰)Rose玫瑰
Scarlet Jungle Flame (红龙船花)Scarlet Jungle Flame红龙船花
Shameplant (含羞草)Shameplant含羞草
Showy Rattlepod (艳丽的响尾蛇)Showy Rattlepod艳丽的响尾蛇
Siroi Lily (西罗伊百合)Siroi Lily西罗伊百合
Snowdrop (雪花莲)Snowdrop雪花莲
Star Jasmine (星茉莉)Star Jasmine星茉莉
Stramonium (曼陀罗)Stramonium曼陀罗
Succulent (多肉植物)Succulent多肉植物
Sunflower (向日葵)Sunflower向日葵
Sweet Violet (甜紫罗兰)Sweet Violet甜紫罗兰
Tanner's Cassia (坦纳决明子)Tanner’s Cassia坦纳决明子
Tulip (郁金香)Tulip郁金香
Water Lily (荷花)Water Lily荷花
Windflower (银莲花或风花)Windflower银莲花或风花
Winter Jasmine (迎春花)Winter Jasmine迎春花
Yarrow (欧蓍草)Yarrow欧蓍草
Yellow Marigold (黄万寿菊)Yellow Marigold黄万寿菊
Yellow Oleander (黄夹竹桃)Yellow Oleander黄夹竹桃

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