
Chinese Numbers

Chinese numbers are special and a bit different from other languages. They use Chinese characters and a mix of native characters to create their unique counting system.

Knowing Chinese numbers is important for everyday communication, like telling time, discussing amounts, or talking about dates. Whether you’re learning the language or dealing with numbers in a Chinese-speaking setting, this article is here to help you understand Chinese numbers better.

Chinese Numbers From 0 to 100

English NumberChinese NumeralPinyin/Chinese Number
0 (Zero)Líng
1 (One)Yi
2 (Two)Èr
3 (Three)Sān
4 (Four)
5 (Five)
6 (Six)Liù
7 (Seven)
8 (Eight)
9 (Nine)Jiǔ
10 (Ten)Shí
11 (Eleven)十一Shí yi
12 (Twelve)十二Shí èr
13 (Thirteen)十三Shí san
14 (Fourteen)十四Shí sì
15 (Fifteen)十五Shí wǔ
16 (Sixteen)十六Shí liù
17 (Seventeen)十七Shí qī
18 (Eighteen)十八Shí ba
19 (Nineteen)十九Shí jiǔ
20 (Twenty)二十Èr shí
21 (Twenty One)二十一Èr shí yi
22 (Twenty Two)二十二Èr shí èr
23 (Twenty Three)二十三Èr shí san
24 (Twenty Four)二十四Èr shí sì
25 (Twenty Five)二十五Èr shí wǔ
26 (Twenty Six)二十六Èr shí Liù
27 (Twenty Seven)二十七Èr shí qī
28 (Twenty Eight)二十八Èr shí ba
29 (Twenty Nine)二十九Èr shí jiǔ
30 (Thirty)三十San shí
31 (Thirty One)三十一San shí yi
32 (Thirty Two)三十二San shí èr
33 (Thirty Three)三十三San shí san
34 (Thirty Four)三十四San shí Sì
35 (Thirty Five)三十五San shí wǔ
36 (Thirty Six)三十六San shí liù
37 (Thirty Seven)三十七San shí qī
38 (Thirty Eight)三十八San shí ba
39 (Thirty Nine)三十九San shí jiǔ
40 (Forty)四十Sì shí
41 (Forty One)四十一Sì shí yi
42 (Forty Two)四十二Sì shí èr
43 (Forty Three)四十三Sì shí san
44 (Forty Four)四十四Sì shí sì
45 (Forty Five)四十五Sì shí wǔ
46 (Forty Six)四十六Sì shí liù
47 (Forty Seven)四十七Sì shí qī
48 (Forty Eight)四十八Sì shí ba
49 (Forty Nine)四十九Sì shí jiǔ
50 (Fifty)五十Wǔ shí
51 (Fifty One)五十一Wǔ shí yi
52 (Fifty Two)五十二Wǔ shí èr
53 (Fifty Three)五十三Wǔ shí san
54 (Fifty Four)五十四Wǔ shí sì
55 (Fifty Five)五十五Wǔ shí wǔ
56 (Fifty Six)五十六Wǔ shí Liù
57 (Fifty Seven)五十七Wǔ shí qī
58 (Fifty Eight)五十八Wǔ shí ba
59 (Fifty Nine)五十九Wǔ shí jiǔ
60 (Sixty)六十Liù shí
61 (Sixty One)六十一Liù shí yi
62 (Sixty Two)六十二Liù shí èr
63 (Sixty Three)六十三Liù shí san
64 (Sixty Four)六十四Liù shí sì
65 (Sixty Five)六十五Liù shí wǔ
66 (Sixty Six)六十六Liù shí liù
67 (Sixty Seven)六十七Liù shí qī
68 (Sixty Eight)六十八Liù shí ba
69 (Sixty Nine)六十九Liù shí jiǔ
70 (Seventy)七十Qī shí
71 (Seventy One)七十一Qī shí yi
72 (Seventy Two)七十二Qī shí èr
73 (Seventy Three)七十三Qī shí san
74 (Seventy Four)七十四Qī shí sì
75 (Seventy Five)七十五Qī shí wǔ
76 (Seventy Six)七十六Qī shí Liù
77 (Seventy Seven)七十七Qī shí qī
78 (Seventy Eight)七十八Qī shí ba
79 (Seventy Nine)七十九Qī shí jiǔ
80 (Eighty)八十Bā shí
81 (Eighty One)八十一Bā shí yi
82 (Eighty Two)八十二Bā shí èr
83 (Eighty Three)八十三Bā shí san
84 (Eighty Four)八十四Bā shí sì
85 (Eighty Five)八十五Bā shí wǔ
86 (Eighty Six)八十六Bā shí liù
87 (Eighty Seven)八十七Bā shí qī
88 (Eighty Eight)八十八Bā shí bā
89 (Eighty Nine)八十九Bā shí jiǔ
90 (Ninety)九十Jiǔ shí
91 (Ninety One)九十一Jiǔ shí yi
92 (Ninety Two)九十二Jiǔ shí èr
93 (Ninety Three)九十三Jiǔ shí san
94 (Ninety Four)九十四Jiǔ shí sì
95 (Ninety Five)九十五Jiǔ shí wǔ
96 (Ninety Six)九十六Jiǔ shí liù
97 (Ninety Seven)九十七Jiǔ shí qī
98 (Ninety Eight)九十八Jiǔ shí ba
99 (Ninety Nine)九十九Jiǔ shí jiǔ
100 (One Hundred)一百Yì bǎi
Chinese Numbers

1000 (One Thousand) in Chinese

10,000 (Ten Thousand) in Chinese

100,000 (Hundred Thousand) in Chinese

1,000,000 (One Million) in Chinese

10,000,000 (Ten Million) in Chinese

100,000,000 (Hundred Million) in Chinese

1,000,000,000 (One Billion) in Chinese

10,000,000,000 (Ten Billion) in Chinese

100,000,000,000 (Hundred Billion) in Chinese

1,000,000,000,000 (One Trillion) in Chinese

10,000,000,000,000 (Ten Trillion) in Chinese

100,000,000,000,000 (Hundred Trillion) in Chinese

1,000,000,000,000,000 (One Quadrillion) in Chinese

10,000,000,000,000,000 (Ten Quadrillion) in Chinese

100,000,000,000,000,000 (Hundred Quadrillion) in Chinese

1,000,000,000,000,000,000 (One Quintillion) in Chinese

For Chinese Numbers in a chart, try our Chinese Bar Graph Maker.

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