
Human Body Parts Name in French & English (with pictures)

Nom des parties du corps humain en français et en anglais

Are you looking for all common Human Body Parts name in French & English with pictures? We have covered the best list of different types of human body parts name in French & English with beautiful pictures.

PictureIn EnglishIn French
Arm (Bras)ArmBras
Back (Dos)BackDos
Beard (Barbe)BeardBarbe
Belly (Ventre)BellyVentre
Blood (Sang)BloodSang
Body (Corps)BodyCorps
Bone (Os)BoneOs
Brain (Cerveau)BrainCerveau
Calf (Veau)CalfVeau
Cheek (Joue)CheekJoue
Chest (Poitrine)ChestPoitrine
Chin (Menton)ChinMenton
Ear (Oreille)EarOreille
Elbow (Coude)ElbowCoude
Eye (Œil)EyeŒil
Eyebrow (Sourcil)EyebrowSourcil
Eyelid (Paupière)EyelidPaupière
Face (Affronter)FaceAffronter
Fingers (Des doigts)FingersDes doigts
Fist (Poing)FistPoing
Foot (Pied)FootPied
Forehead (Front)ForeheadFront
Hair (Cheveux)HairCheveux
Hand (Main)HandMain
Head (Tête)HeadTête
Heart (Cœur)HeartCœur
Heel (Talon)HeelTalon
Intestine (Intestin)IntestineIntestin
Jaw (Mâchoire)JawMâchoire
Joint (Articulation)JointArticulation
Kidney (Rein)KidneyRein
Knee (Genou)KneeGenou
Leg (Jambe)LegJambe
Lip (Lèvre)LipLèvre
Liver (Foie)LiverFoie
Lungs (Poumons)LungsPoumons
Moustache (moustache)Moustachemoustache
Mouth (Bouche)MouthBouche
Muscles (Muscles)MusclesMuscles
Nails (Clous)NailsClous
Neck (Cou)NeckCou
Nerve (Nerf)NerveNerf
Nose (Nez)NoseNez
Nostril (Narine)NostrilNarine
Palm (Palmier)PalmPalmier
Paw (Patte)PawPatte
Ribs (Côtes)RibsCôtes
Shoulder (Épaule)ShoulderÉpaule
Skin (Peau)SkinPeau
Skull (Crâne)SkullCrâne
Spine (Colonne vertébrale)SpineColonne vertébrale
Stomach (Estomac)StomachEstomac
Teeth (Dents)TeethDents
Thigh (Cuisse)ThighCuisse
Throat (Gorge)ThroatGorge
Thumb (Pouce)ThumbPouce
Toe (Doigt de pied)ToeDoigt de pied
Tongue (Langue)TongueLangue
Wrist (Poignet)WristPoignet

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