
Hindi Alphabet

The Hindi alphabet has 36 consonants and 13 vowels. It is written in the Devanagari script, which is also used for writing Nepali and Marathi.

The Hindi alphabet is the foundation of the Hindi script, which is used for writing the Hindi language. It consists of a combination of consonants, vowels, vowel signs (matras), and additional characters that make up the entire script. Understanding the structure of the Hindi alphabet is essential for reading, writing, and communicating effectively in Hindi.

Here is an example of a Hindi word:

क – This is the Hindi word for “ka”. It is made up of the consonant “k” and the vowel “a”.

The Hindi alphabet is a beautiful and expressive script. It is a great way to learn about the Hindi language and culture.

Hindi Alphabet Chart

Hindi Alphabet

Hindi Vowels (Swar)/Independent Vowels

Hindi vowels, also known as “Swar (स्वर)” or Independent vowels are written before the consonants. This is because the vowels are considered to be more important than the consonants in the Devanagari script. The vowels determine the sound of the consonant, and the consonants are simply modifiers of the vowel sound.

Hindi Vowels

Hindi vowels have 13 basic vowels that can stand alone at the beginning of a syllable. They are:

Hindi VowelsPronunciationTyping guidance
ah Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType a
aa Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType aa
ee Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType i
ii Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType ii
oo Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType u
uu Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType uu
eh Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType e
ai Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType ai
oh Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType o
au Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType au
अंam Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType am
अ:ahm Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType a:
ri Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType ri

Hindi Vowel Signs (Matras)/Dependent Vowel

Hindi vowel signs also known as Dependent vowels are the vowels that are attached to consonants. They are written as diacritics above or below the consonant. The following are the dependent vowels:

Vowel SignPronunciationTyping guidance
aa (Aakar) Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType a after the consonant
िee (Hraswa ekaar) Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType i after the consonant
ii (Dirgha ekaar) Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType ii after the consonant
oo (Hraswa ukaar) Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType u after the consonant
uu (Dirgha ukaar) Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType uu after the consonant
eh (Ehkaar) Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType e after the consonant
ai (Aikaar) Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType ai after the consonant
oh (Okaar) Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType o after the consonant
au (Aukaar) Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType au after the consonant
◌ंam (Anusvara) Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType am after the consonant
:ah (Visarga) Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType :
ri (Rikar) Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType r after the consonant

Special Characters

The Hindi alphabet also includes special characters that convey specific sounds and meanings:

SymbolPronunciationTyping guidance
◌ँChandrabindu Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType n after the consonant
Full stop/Purnabiram Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType .
Om Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType OM
Swastika Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetN/A *Copy this sign from here

Hindi Consonants (Vyanjan)

Hindi Consonants

Consonants are the basic building blocks of the Hindi alphabet. They represent the primary sounds used in forming words. Consonants in the Hindi alphabet are organized based on their place and manner of articulation. There are 36 consonants in Hindi alphabet.

ConsonantsPronunciationTyping Guidance
ka Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType k
kha Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType kh
ga Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType g
gha Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType gh
ṅa Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType ng
cha Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType ch
chha Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType chh
ja Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType j
jha Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType jh
nya Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType nya
ṭa Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType Ta
ṭha Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType th
ḍa Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType D
ḍha Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType Dh
ṇa Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType N
ta Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType ta
tha Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType tha
da Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType d
dha Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType dh
na Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType n
pa Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType pa
pha Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType f
ba Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType b
bha Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType bh
ma Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType m
ya Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType y
ra Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType r
la Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType l
va Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType v
sha Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType sh
ṣa Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType Sh
sa Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType s
ha Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType h
क्षkṣhya Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType ksh
त्रtra Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType tr
ज्ञgya Tools Nepal Hindi AlphabetType gy

Baahrakhari System

The Baahrakhari system is a unique feature of the Hindi script that combines consonants and vowel signs to form complete syllables. This system allows for the creation of various sounds and is crucial for accurately representing the Hindi language.

Here’s an example of how the Baahrakhari system is structured for some Hindi consonants:

ConsonantVowelConsonant + Vowel Combination
अ (a)क (ka) Tools Nepal Hindi Alphabet
आ (aa)का (kaa) Tools Nepal Hindi Alphabet
इ (i)कि (ki) Tools Nepal Hindi Alphabet
ई (ee)की (kee) Tools Nepal Hindi Alphabet
उ (u)कु (ku) Tools Nepal Hindi Alphabet
ऊ (oo)कू (koo) Tools Nepal Hindi Alphabet
ए (e)के (ke) Tools Nepal Hindi Alphabet
ऐ (ai)कै (kai) Tools Nepal Hindi Alphabet
ओ (o)को (ko) Tools Nepal Hindi Alphabet
औ (au)कौ (kau) Tools Nepal Hindi Alphabet
अं (aM)कं (kaM) Tools Nepal Hindi Alphabet
अ: (ahm)क: (k:) Tools Nepal Hindi Alphabet
ऋ (ri)कृ (kri) Tools Nepal Hindi Alphabet

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